Please add to any listed email addresses to contact the appropriate staff member.
East Falmouth School phone: (508) 548-1052
Rose Moran |
Interim Principal |
Office / Admin |
rmoran |
7203 |
Nancy Ashworth |
Interim Principal |
Office / Admin |
nashworth |
Gina Roy |
K-4 SEBA |
Office / Admin |
groy |
7202 |
Jaime Rapoza |
Preschool SEBA |
Office / Admin |
jrapoza |
7253 |
Bridget Janerico |
Secretary to Principal |
Office / Admin |
bjanerico |
7200 |
Carole Ellis |
Special Education Secretary |
Office / Admin |
cellis |
7201 |
Adjustment Counselor |
Office / Admin |
7251 |
Lindsay Marble |
Adjustment Counselor |
Office / Admin |
lmarble |
7210 |
Tiffany Lemmon |
Health Assistant |
Office/Admin |
tlemmon |
7211 |
Katelyn McGill |
School Nurse |
Office/Admin |
kmcgill |
7204 |
Michael Fedele |
School Psychologist |
Special Education |
mfedele |
7212 |
Crystal Andrews |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
candrews |
7289 |
Denise Jones |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
djones |
7249 |
Allyson Lennon |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
alennon |
7273 |
Kelly Lindsay |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
klindsay |
7290 |
Kirsten McGinn |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
kmcginn |
7272 |
Mariah Melanson |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
mmelanson |
7240 |
Rachelle Miranda |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
rmiranda |
7257 |
Julianna Sullivan |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
jsullivan |
7261 |
Geralyn Thompson Ward |
Preschool Teacher |
Preschool |
gthompsonward |
7270 |
Nadia Gillis |
Kindergarten Teacher |
Kindergarten |
ngillis |
7262 |
Jill Baker |
Kindergarten Teacher |
Kindergarten |
j_baker |
7269 |
Heather Duffany |
1st Grade Teacher |
Grade 1 |
hduffany |
7242 |
Karen Serdy |
1st Grade Teacher |
Grade 1 |
kserdy |
7247 |
Taryn Noonan |
1st Grade Teacher |
Grade 1 |
tnoonan |
7241 |
Tracy Chorches |
2nd Grade Teacher |
Grade 2 |
tchorches |
7278 |
Katie Karl |
2nd Grade Teacher |
Grade 2 |
k_karl |
7243 |
Laura Dooley |
3rd Grade Teacher |
Grade 3 |
ldooley |
7256 |
Matthew Manchester |
3rd Grade Teacher |
Grade 3 |
mmanchester |
7254 |
Kate Skehill |
3rd Grade Teacher |
Grade 3 |
kskehill |
7245 |
Jay Hauptmann |
4th Grade Teacher |
Grade 4 |
jhauptmann |
7256 |
Nicole Mele |
4th Grade Teacher |
Grade 4 |
nmele |
7255 |
Erin Mello |
Special Educator |
Special Education |
emello |
7288 |
Christine O'Brien |
Special Educator |
Special Education |
cobrien |
7287 |
Susan Stegeman |
Special Educator |
Special Education |
sstegeman |
7282 |
Lisa Willcox |
Speech/Language |
Special Education |
lwillcox |
7274 |
Kelly Mish |
Preschool Speech/Language |
Special Education |
kmish |
7250 |
Mary McGrath |
Preschool Speech/Language |
Special Education |
mmcgrath |
7280 |
Krista Morey Clarkson |
ELDTeacher |
kmoreyclarkson |
7246 |
Christine Nicholson |
ELD Department Head |
cnicholson |
Call Office |
Michelle Dugay Martinez |
Occupational Therapist |
Special Education |
mdmartinez |
7263 |
Elaine Curtis |
Physical Therapist |
Special Education |
ecurtis |
7283 |
Monique Dos Santos |
Music Teacher |
Specialists |
mdossantos |
7264 |
Tara Draper |
Library/Technology Teacher |
Specialists |
tdraper |
7205 |
Angel Belfiore |
Reading Specialist |
Specialists |
abelfiore |
7267 |
Lynette Perdiz-Cash |
Reading Specialist |
Specialists |
lperdizcash |
7258 |
Anissa Graff |
Art Teacher |
Specialists |
agraff |
7275 |
Dave Watson |
Physical Education |
Specialists |
d_watson |
7268 |
Diane Kashgegian |
Teaching Assistant |
Kindergarten |
dkashgegian |
Call Office |
Maria Rusko |
Teaching Assistant |
Kindergarten |
mrusko |
Call Office |
Nora Kinsella |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
nkinsella |
Call Office |
Tina Roderick |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
troderick |
Call Office |
Amanda Surrette |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
asurrette |
Call Office |
Sarah Carton |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
scarton |
Call Office |
Jindaii Barbel |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
jbarbel |
Call Office |
Heather Emerson |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
hemerson |
Call Office |
Joanne Harney |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
jharney |
Call Office |
Lori Ivory |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
livory |
Call Office |
Carrie Leonard |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
cleonard |
Call Office |
Moriah Leonard |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
mleonard |
Call Office |
Holly McDonald |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
hmcdonald |
Call Office |
Sherri McGhee |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
smcghee |
Call Office |
Patricia Marks |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
pmarks |
Call Office |
Patricia Nelson |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
pnelson |
Call Office |
Robin Provost |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
rprovost |
Call Office |
Elisabeth Villanueva |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
evillanueva |
Call Office |
Paula ZInck |
Teaching Assistant |
Preschool |
pzinck |
Call Office |
Christine Carey |
1:1 Aide |
Special Education |
ccarey |
Call Office |
Rebecca Charles |
1:1 Aide |
Special Education |
rcharles |
Call Office |
Jack Kamin |
1:1 Aide |
Special Education |
jkamin |
Call Office |
Brandy Mello |
1:1 Aide |
Special Education |
bmello |
Call Office |
Ryley Woods |
1:1 Aide |
Special Education |
rwoods |
Call Office |
Jeanine Cappuccino |
Building Based Substitute |
Substitute |
jcappuccino |
Call Office |
Denise Savoy |
Manager |
Cafeteria |
dsavoy |
7207 |
Elaine Swire |
Cafeteria Worker |
Cafeteria |
eswire |
7207 |
Jeff Silveira |
Head Custodian |
Custodial |
jsilveira |
7206 |
John Keleher |
Custodian |
Custodial |
jkeleher |
7276 |
David Geggatt |
Custodian |
Custodial |
dgeggatt |
7277 |
Meredith Gardner |
Safety and Security Monitor |
Support Staff |
mgardner |
Call Office |
Thomas Scarpellini |
Crossing Guard |
Support Staff |
tscarpellini |
Call Office |
Elaine Swire |
Support Staff |
eswire |
Call Office |