Staff Directory

Please add to any listed email addresses to contact the appropriate staff member.
East Falmouth School phone: (508) 548-1052

Rose Moran Interim Principal Office / Admin rmoran 7203
Nancy Ashworth Interim Principal Office / Admin nashworth 7203
Gina Roy K-4 SEBA Office / Admin groy 7202
Jaime Rapoza Preschool SEBA Office / Admin jrapoza 7253
Bridget Janerico Secretary to Principal Office / Admin bjanerico 7200
Carole Ellis Special Education Secretary Office / Admin cellis 7201
  Adjustment Counselor Office / Admin   7251
Lindsay Marble Adjustment Counselor Office / Admin lmarble 7210
Tiffany Lemmon Health Assistant Office/Admin tlemmon 7211
Katelyn McGill School Nurse Office/Admin kmcgill 7204
Michael Fedele School Psychologist Special Education mfedele 7212
Crystal Andrews Preschool Teacher Preschool candrews 7289
Denise Jones Preschool Teacher Preschool djones 7249
Allyson Lennon Preschool Teacher Preschool alennon 7273
Kelly Lindsay Preschool Teacher Preschool klindsay 7290
Kirsten McGinn Preschool Teacher Preschool kmcginn 7272
Mariah Melanson Preschool Teacher Preschool mmelanson 7240
Rachelle Miranda Preschool Teacher Preschool rmiranda 7257
Julianna Sullivan Preschool Teacher Preschool jsullivan 7261
Geralyn Thompson Ward Preschool Teacher Preschool gthompsonward 7270
Nadia Gillis Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten ngillis 7262
Jill Baker Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten j_baker 7269
Heather Duffany 1st Grade Teacher Grade 1 hduffany 7242
Karen Serdy 1st Grade Teacher Grade 1 kserdy 7247
Taryn Noonan 1st Grade Teacher Grade 1 tnoonan 7241
Tracy Chorches 2nd Grade Teacher Grade 2 tchorches 7278
Katie Karl 2nd Grade Teacher Grade 2 k_karl 7243
Laura Dooley 3rd Grade Teacher Grade 3 ldooley 7256
Matthew Manchester 3rd Grade Teacher Grade 3 mmanchester 7254
Kate Skehill 3rd Grade Teacher Grade 3 kskehill 7245
Jay Hauptmann 4th Grade Teacher Grade 4 jhauptmann 7256
Nicole Mele 4th Grade Teacher Grade 4 nmele 7255
Erin Mello Special Educator Special Education emello 7288
Christine O'Brien Special Educator Special Education cobrien 7287
Susan Stegeman Special Educator Special Education sstegeman 7282
Lisa Willcox Speech/Language Special Education lwillcox 7274
Kelly Mish Preschool Speech/Language Special Education kmish 7250
Mary McGrath Preschool Speech/Language Special Education mmcgrath 7280
Krista Morey Clarkson ELDTeacher ELD kmoreyclarkson 7246
Christine Nicholson ELD Department Head ELD cnicholson Call Office
Michelle Dugay Martinez Occupational Therapist Special Education mdmartinez 7263
Elaine Curtis Physical Therapist Special Education ecurtis 7283
Monique Dos Santos Music Teacher Specialists mdossantos 7264
Tara Draper Library/Technology Teacher Specialists tdraper 7205
Angel Belfiore Reading Specialist Specialists abelfiore 7267
Lynette Perdiz-Cash Reading Specialist Specialists lperdizcash 7258
Anissa Graff Art Teacher Specialists agraff 7275
Dave Watson Physical Education Specialists d_watson 7268
Diane Kashgegian Teaching Assistant Kindergarten dkashgegian Call Office
Maria Rusko Teaching Assistant Kindergarten mrusko Call Office
Nora Kinsella Teaching Assistant Special Education nkinsella Call Office
Tina Roderick Teaching Assistant Special Education troderick Call Office
Amanda Surrette Teaching Assistant Special Education asurrette Call Office
Sarah Carton Teaching Assistant Preschool scarton Call Office
Jindaii Barbel Teaching Assistant Preschool jbarbel Call Office
Heather Emerson Teaching Assistant Preschool hemerson Call Office
Joanne Harney Teaching Assistant Preschool jharney Call Office
Lori Ivory Teaching Assistant Preschool livory Call Office
Carrie Leonard Teaching Assistant Preschool cleonard Call Office
Moriah Leonard Teaching Assistant Preschool mleonard Call Office
Holly McDonald Teaching Assistant Preschool hmcdonald Call Office
Sherri McGhee Teaching Assistant Preschool smcghee Call Office
Patricia Marks Teaching Assistant Preschool pmarks Call Office
Patricia Nelson Teaching Assistant Preschool pnelson Call Office
Robin Provost Teaching Assistant Preschool rprovost Call Office
Elisabeth Villanueva Teaching Assistant Preschool evillanueva Call Office
Paula ZInck Teaching Assistant Preschool pzinck Call Office
Christine Carey 1:1 Aide Special Education ccarey Call Office
Rebecca Charles 1:1 Aide Special Education rcharles Call Office
Jack Kamin 1:1 Aide Special Education jkamin Call Office
Brandy Mello 1:1 Aide Special Education bmello Call Office
Ryley Woods 1:1 Aide Special Education rwoods Call Office
Jeanine Cappuccino Building Based Substitute Substitute jcappuccino Call Office
Denise Savoy Manager Cafeteria dsavoy 7207
Elaine Swire Cafeteria Worker Cafeteria eswire 7207
Jeff Silveira Head Custodian Custodial jsilveira 7206
John Keleher Custodian Custodial jkeleher 7276
David Geggatt Custodian Custodial dgeggatt 7277
Meredith Gardner Safety and Security Monitor Support Staff mgardner Call Office
Thomas Scarpellini Crossing Guard Support Staff tscarpellini Call Office
Elaine Swire YMCA Support Staff eswire Call Office