About our School Library

The East Falmouth Library supports classroom curriculum and encourrages students to become lifelong readers and twenty-first learners and users of information, offering a collection of around 10,000 items in a variety of information formats. These materials reinforce and supplement the school curriculum as well as provide recreational reading for our students. There is an adult collection that serves as a professional resource for teachers and provides items of interest to parents as well. The library teacher is an instructional partner, information specialist and program administrator serving the entire school community.

Students visit the library weekly with their classes for a structured library lesson in the skills of library use, formal research skills, appreciation of quality literature and book selection techniques, and always selecting new library materials for home enjoyment. This includes utilizing our computer catalog system (Destiny Quest) as well as web-based searching via our on-line databases, and special reference books, such as encyclopedias, atlases, and dictionaries. They may come at other times with the permission of their classroom teachers to choose new library materials for home. Books are loaned for a period of one week, but may be renewed at the librarian's discretion. Each grade level has rules about the number of books that may be borrowed: one title for Kindergarten and Grade 1; two titles for Grade 2 ; and three titles for Grades 3 and 4.

We are always looking for volunteers to help check-in and check-out library materials, shelve and repair books, assist students, and help with other library tasks. If you are interested please contact me at [email protected] or 508-548-1052 extension 205.

Happy Reading!

Tara Draper, MSIS

Library Technology Teacher